Making sure your power tools are protected from any harsh elements that can damage them can take its toll sometimes. Garages and basements are notoriously hard on tools due to the fact that these high humidity environments provide the perfect conditions for developing rust. By following a few simple procedures you can spend more time woodworking and less time fussing over your rusty tools.

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When you purchase a new power tool, it is shipped with a thick coating of Cosmoline to protect the cast iron from rusting. Once it is in your shop, this coating must be removed and your cast iron top is no longer protected. There are times that the woodworkers would just wash the cosmoline entirely without thinking of its future protection .

In order for us to protect the cast irons we need to coat them again to keep the moisture away . The easiest and most effective method is to apply one of the commercially available rust preventative sprays. Boeshield T-9 and the Empire Top Saver are the two most popular brands.These sprays works the same way, by applying them all over the cast iron and removing excesses carefully . This may be repeated frequently to ensure complete protection .

Regardless of how safe we are able to keep our tools it is no guarantee that it will be protected from the rust . And if you leave it alone for a longer period of time it will definitely destroy it completely.

This is a jointer that is not kept well. The buildup of sawdust on the cast iron bed encouraged the formation of rust. After only 2 years, this tool was in need of some care.

In the earlier days people still use a steel wool to remove rust but how about the dust that is settled where the wool can't reach . We now have products that can make everything easier .

Boeshiled is a rust remover that completes its tasks quickly. This is great on large tools that can't be soaked on rust solutions . Just spray this all over the rusted areas, wait for a minute then wipe it clean. Using an abrasive tool such as steel wool will aid in removing any rust left.

As soon as you are done with these rust removal step you can go ahead and put some protection on your tool. If you look closely you can see a small rust pit. These pits are the unavoidable consequence of the rust. There is no way that a rust removal can repair a rust pit.

These rust removal is made up of acids that instantly removes rust and can slowly affect metals so make sure that you are using protective covering when you are using these products.

By following these methods of rust prevention and rust removal your cast iron power tools will last a lifetime.